
Published on:

3rd Sep 2020

025: How To Get Results And Actually Keep Them

What if you could actually get results and keep them?

The mission for so many is to lose weight, get in shape, and stay that way.

There are a few things to consider when you decide to take on your fitness journey.

Failing to consider these things will lead you through vicious cycles of victory and disappointment.

In this episode, Fred and Donovan share some personal parts of the own journeys.

They have both been in the pit when it comes to keeping results.  Through the years they've figured out a formula that can make the path to results, and maintenance, more achievable.

If you want to get results and keep them, be sure to listen to this episode.

And as always, share the love.  Someone you know could use this message right now.

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About the Podcast

Bodies By Design Radio
A podcast all about powerful body transformation, simple nutrition, and real stories from people living fit in the real world.

About your host

Profile picture for Fred  Sassani

Fred Sassani